
Goodale Talks About Trade with the UK in visit to Regina

Goodale Talks About Trade with the UK in visit to Regina

Aug 22, 2024 | 5:54pm
Canada’s High Commissioner to the U-K Ralph Goodale is back in Regina. As a long time MP for Regina Wascana, as well as a former cabinet minister, Goodale says its nice to come back home for a visit. He was speaking to the Canadian Club of Regina in an even live streamed on this web […]
Pulse Canada optimistic trade to India won’t be disrupted despite ongoing tensions

Pulse Canada optimistic trade to India won’t be disrupted despite ongoing tensions

Oct 24, 2023 | 3:57pm
The President of Pulse Canada is optimistic there won’t be any disruptions to the flow of products to India, despite ongoing tensions between India and Canada. Greg Cherewyk believes that based on connections made over the past 30 years. “The people-to-people ties, the business-to-business ties, and even the industry-to-industry relationships that we’ve developed at Pulse […]
Canada facing trade challenges on two different fronts

Canada facing trade challenges on two different fronts

Sep 19, 2023 | 9:45pm
Trade has been front-and-centre lately between Canada and the U.K., as well as with India. Starting with the United Kingdom, Canada is in the middle of bi-lateral trade talks with them, but there is a barrier – the U.K.’s refusal to accept Canada’s food safety standards on beef and pork. Another concern is Canada announcing […]
Vietnam lifting restriction on Canadian wheat exports

Vietnam lifting restriction on Canadian wheat exports

Aug 29, 2023 | 2:08pm
Vietnam announced it is taking Canada thistle, also known as creeping thistle, out of its revised quarantine pest list, clearing the way for Canadian wheat exports to enter the country. The Vietnamese government had a zero tolerance policy in place for creeping thistle since 2018, meaning any Canadian wheat that had it faced commercial penalties, […]
Canada officially regains market access to Taiwan

Canada officially regains market access to Taiwan

Jun 19, 2023 | 1:25pm
Federal Agriculture Minister Marie Claude Bibeau and Minister of International Trade Mary Ng announced Canada has regained market access to Taiwan for beef exports. Taiwan had restrictions on Canadian beef since 2003, following the discovery of Canada’s first case of BSE; restrictions were on both over and under 30-month Canadian beef, but both have since […]
Canadian Cattle Association pleased with creation of Ag Trade Office in the Philippines

Canadian Cattle Association pleased with creation of Ag Trade Office in the Philippines

Jun 13, 2023 | 2:50pm
The Canadian Cattle Association is welcoming the creation of the first Indo-Pacific Agriculture and Agri-Food Office in Manila, Philippines. In a news release, the CCA says the office will offer technical expertise, support to Canadian exporters in the region, and a stronger diplomatic presence to bolster growth of exports. President of the Canadian Cattle Association […]
Taiwan easing remaining BSE-era restrictions on Canadian beef

Taiwan easing remaining BSE-era restrictions on Canadian beef

May 29, 2023 | 5:51pm
Taiwan is fully embracing Canadian beef again. The nation announced it will lift the last set of restrictions on beef from Canada over the coming weeks. President of the Canadian Cattle Association Nathan Phinney (Finney) says it’s great news. “The removal of them is a clear signal that we have a desired product and they’re […]
Saskatchewan and Japan sign agreement to deepen trade ties

Saskatchewan and Japan sign agreement to deepen trade ties

Apr 25, 2023 | 11:35am
Saskatchewan and Japan are strengthening their economic ties. A Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) has been signed between the province and Japan’s Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corporation (JOIN), a government agency that supports Japanese businesses abroad, especially in the area of infrastructure. “We would like to promote more infrastructure business here with Japenese [businesses]. Also, I’d like […]