Kevin Hursh

A different approach to upcoming annual farm group meetings

A different approach to upcoming annual farm group meetings

Nov 28, 2023 | 2:33pm
Some changes are coming to the meeting events organized by the crop commissions in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta over the next couple of months. There’s no longer one large meeting event with keynote speakers during Crop Production Week in Saskatoon. SaskCanola, Sask Wheat, SaskBarley, SaskFlax and Saskatchewan Pulse Growers are holding back-to-back annual business meetings […]
Forum being organized to discuss the future of agriculture

Forum being organized to discuss the future of agriculture

Nov 27, 2023 | 4:06pm
Nearly 10,000 randomly selected farms and ranches across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba will have received an invitation to participate in a Citizens Assembly on Agriculture. From those who apply, 36 lottery-selected producers will gather to work on climate and sustainability solutions for agriculture. Producers can register for the process even if they didn’t receive an […]
Moose Jaw home to a new pork processing plant

Moose Jaw home to a new pork processing plant

Oct 31, 2023 | 2:54pm
A new pork processing plant has been established at Moose Jaw. The plant plans to process the 200,000 cull sows that are currently exported to the U.S. Donald’s Fine Food owned by Donald Leung and his family already runs Thunder Creek Pork in Moose Jaw processing a little over 300,000 market hogs per year. Their […]
Farmers planning for next spring may utilize crop prices to influence seeding intentions

Farmers planning for next spring may utilize crop prices to influence seeding intentions

Oct 25, 2023 | 5:48pm
Now that harvest is complete, farmers are turning their attention to next season. Part of the decision-making process is looking at which crops to plant based on prices. Chief Agricultural Editor of Kevin Hursh looked at prices now compared to the same time a year ago, and noted most prices for crops are down but a […]
Transport Canada wants feedback from groups on rail transportation policy

Transport Canada wants feedback from groups on rail transportation policy

Oct 3, 2023 | 5:24pm
The grain industry is gearing up for meetings and submissions on rail transportation. Chief Agricultural Editor Kevin Hursh says it’s a wide-ranging review of grain transportation policy by Transport Canada, from extended inter-switching to maximum revenue entitlement. Transport Canada wants feedback from the Ag Transport Coalition, Western Grain Elevator Association, Canadian Federation of Agriculture, railway companies, among […]
Some changes to AAFC’s outlook report for principal field crops

Some changes to AAFC’s outlook report for principal field crops

Sep 27, 2023 | 2:57pm
The market analysis group of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has issued a new outlook report for principal field crops. The outlook report uses the most recent yield estimates as well as seeded acreage and export statistics and also takes production and demand in other countries into account. As compared to the report issued in August, […]
More producers are adopting the practice of straight-cutting: Agronomy Specialist

More producers are adopting the practice of straight-cutting: Agronomy Specialist

Sep 15, 2023 | 5:18pm
Not many years ago, the vast majority of canola crops were swathed ahead of combining. With pod shatter resistance becoming common in canola varieties, straight cutting has gained popularity. Shawn Senko, agronomy specialist with the Canola Council of Canada out of Saskatoon, says there has been an uptick in adopting straight cutting over the last 5 years. Senko noted 66 […]
Collaboration aims to make satellite-based forage insurance a usable product

Collaboration aims to make satellite-based forage insurance a usable product

Sep 11, 2023 | 3:47pm
The cattle sector is hoping satellite technology will be the answer for providing forage insurance comparable to how multi-peril insurance works for grain farmers. Collaboration is occurring between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the three prairie crop insurance agencies, Canadian Cattle Association, Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association and Global Ag Risk Solutions in an effort to make […]
Ag-in-Motion wrapped up, preparations for next year’s show underway

Ag-in-Motion wrapped up, preparations for next year’s show underway

Jul 21, 2023 | 5:27pm
The Discovery Farm Langham site, northwest of Saskatoon, won’t be full of activity until next year. That’s the home of Ag-in-Motion, which wrapped up yesterday (Thurs). Day one had rain and gusty winds, but the next two days brought sunshine and warm temperatures. As far as attendance went Wednesday appeared to be the busiest day of […]
Hursh: Sask. Crop Insurance will be swamped with claims due to drought conditions

Hursh: Sask. Crop Insurance will be swamped with claims due to drought conditions

Jul 10, 2023 | 3:29pm
Many fields won’t see a combine and crop insurance claims are going to soar. That rather dire prediction today from agricultural commentator Kevin Hursh. Hursh says drought conditions have made headlines in Alberta, but he says the extent of the problem isn’t yet fully appreciated in Saskatchewan. Hursh says the dryness has been expanding with markets and governments slow […]