
Crop Report: Lack of moisture taking a toll on crops, limited amount of harvest underway

Crop Report: Lack of moisture taking a toll on crops, limited amount of harvest underway

Aug 1, 2024 | 10:14am
The Provincial Crop Report notes heat and lack of moisture continued to deplete topsoil moisture conditions in cropland, hayland, and pastures around the province, and has caused more heat stress on crops. The continued heat has also caused yield potential to decline with producers in the southern region indicating an “increase in the amount of […]
Crops catching up to their normal stages of development

Crops catching up to their normal stages of development

Jul 18, 2024 | 11:06am
A week of warmer weather and reduced rainfall has accelerated crop advancement and enabled haying operations to progress throughout the province. With the forecasted heat over the next week many regions are hoping for moisture to help support crop development, reduce crop stress and sustain topsoil moisture conditions. Many areas across the province received reduced […]
Rainfall comes at a good time for producers

Rainfall comes at a good time for producers

May 10, 2024 | 4:22pm
A farmer just outside of Regina says he had some moisture in the ground but not enough to say it was adequate. Levi Wood with Westwood Agri Services, southwest of Regina, described the weather conditions he’s had so far during the Provincial Crop Report announcement Thursday morning.  “We’ve been kind of drought-adjacent the last couple […]
Esterhazy farmer says rain has been hit-and-miss

Esterhazy farmer says rain has been hit-and-miss

Jul 12, 2023 | 3:57pm
An Esterhazy area farmer says when you plant 52-thousand acres, you have a lot riding on your crops. Hrushka Farms near Esterhazy is certainly one of the largest grain farms in Saskatchewan. Rain has been hit-and-miss this summer and Kevin Hrushka says that has impacted crop development, saying the north end of his land looks […]
This year’s crop mix is less diverse than last year: Hursh

This year’s crop mix is less diverse than last year: Hursh

Jul 4, 2023 | 6:05pm
Saskatchewan growers went against the grain when they planted this year’s canola crops. Agricultural Consultant Kevin Hursh says according to the Statistics Canada Seeded Acreage Report released last week canola acreage came in higher than many analysts expected. Saskatchewan is where the difference lies. “What I found really interesting about the canola acreage is that […]
This crop year “won’t be a bin buster”: Hursh

This crop year “won’t be a bin buster”: Hursh

Jun 28, 2023 | 5:18pm
2023 is shaping up to be a dry year and consequently won’t be a bin buster. That’s according to agricultural consultant Kevin Hursh, who says where he farms in the Cabri area of southwest Saskatchewan it’s dry. “Things are going backwards quickly in my part of the world,” Hursh said. “Increasingly there’s a lot of […]