Canadian Ag News

Producers can apply for federal grants through Ag Clean Technology Program

Producers can apply for federal grants through Ag Clean Technology Program

Jun 1, 2023 | 5:12pm
The federal government is giving farmers and ranchers the opportunity to make their operations cleaner and greener. The Agricultural Clean Technology Program — Adoption Stream (ACT) is accepting applications, starting today (Thurs). Federal Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau says it will provide non-repayable grants between $25-thousand and $2-million so producers can buy equipment that reduces greenhouse gas emissions […]
Interest-free portion of cash advances through federal program has increased this year

Interest-free portion of cash advances through federal program has increased this year

May 11, 2023 | 11:27am
Saskatchewan farmers needing some extra cash for this spring can access it from the Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA). CCGA is issuing cash advances through the Advance Payments Program (APP). APP is a federal loan program administered by CCGA. Director of Finance and APP Operations at the Canadian Canola Growers Association Dave Gallant says the interest-free […]