Canadian Ag News

Protein Industries Canada, Innovate U.K. calling for more R&D Projects

Protein Industries Canada, Innovate U.K. calling for more R&D Projects

Sep 25, 2023 | 5:07pm
Two organizations want food companies with innovative project ideas to come forward to meet a growing demand of plant-based food and ingredients. Protein Industries Canada and Innovate U.K. are offering $20-million for collaborative Research & Development (R&D) projects that can help diversify protein options in the world. CEO of Protein Industries Canada Bill Greuel says they’re looking […]
Saskatchewan delegation heading to Europe for one-week trade mission

Saskatchewan delegation heading to Europe for one-week trade mission

Sep 22, 2023 | 4:00pm
Saskatchewan Trade Minister Jeremy Harrison is leading a delegation on a trade mission to the U.K. and Poland, starting tomorrow (Sat). The objective, according to a provincial news release, is to expand opportunities in agriculture, critical minerals, innovative technology, immigration, and talent attraction. Harrison and company will first stop in the United Kingdom for an […]
Bill C-234 will be the topic of conversation in the Senate again

Bill C-234 will be the topic of conversation in the Senate again

Sep 20, 2023 | 4:39pm
A bill that exempts the federal carbon tax from grain drying and heating barns will be up for discussion again tomorrow (Thurs) in the Senate. Bill C-234 almost made it across the finish line back in June, when two liberal leaning senators, including Senator Pierre Delphond of Quebec, demanded further discussion on an issue that’s […]
Canada facing trade challenges on two different fronts

Canada facing trade challenges on two different fronts

Sep 19, 2023 | 9:45pm
Trade has been front-and-centre lately between Canada and the U.K., as well as with India. Starting with the United Kingdom, Canada is in the middle of bi-lateral trade talks with them, but there is a barrier – the U.K.’s refusal to accept Canada’s food safety standards on beef and pork. Another concern is Canada announcing […]
Vice-President of CFA Paying Attention to various ag issues as Parliament resumes

Vice-President of CFA Paying Attention to various ag issues as Parliament resumes

Sep 18, 2023 | 4:54pm
Like back to school for kids, it’s back to Parliament for politicians from all political stripes. Today (Monday) was the first day of the fall session for MP’s. From an agricultural perspective, what’s old is new again as it’ll be Lawrence MacAulay’s first sitting as Federal Agriculture Minister since he replaced Marie-Claude Bibeau. Vice President of the Canadian Federation […]
Making plant-based food & ingredient sector more competitive the focus of Protein Industries Canada AGM

Making plant-based food & ingredient sector more competitive the focus of Protein Industries Canada AGM

Sep 15, 2023 | 4:38pm
About 170 people from Protein Industries Canada and industry stakeholders gathered in Edmonton this week for their Annual General Meeting. CEO Bill Greuel says government representatives and a delegation from the University of Alberta were also at the AGM on Wednesday. He says the focus was on how to make Canadian companies – from ingredient manufacturers to food companies – more competitive […]
Cattle groups “say no” to U.K. joining trade agreement until barriers on Canada are removed

Cattle groups “say no” to U.K. joining trade agreement until barriers on Canada are removed

Sep 13, 2023 | 3:58pm
Three cattle groups are calling on the federal government to defend Canada’s science-based trade standards. The Canadian Cattle Association, Canadian Meat Council, and the National Cattle Feeders’ Association launched a campaign yesterday (Tues) called “Say No to a Bad Deal”. President of the CCA Nathan Phinney says the campaign raises awareness of ongoing bi-lateral trade talks between Canada and the […]
“Hardly anything” for positive net returns: Hursh on Stats Canada’s Crop Production Estimates for Saskatchewan

“Hardly anything” for positive net returns: Hursh on Stats Canada’s Crop Production Estimates for Saskatchewan

Aug 30, 2023 | 4:18pm
Statistics Canada released its crop production estimates yesterday (Tues). They project Saskatchewan’s production of mustard seed to increase, but canola, spring wheat, durum wheat, barley, lentils, dry field peas, oats, flaxseed and canary seed are anticipated to decrease. Chief Agricultural Editor of Kevin Hursh dove into the numbers and calculated the average net return […]
Vietnam lifting restriction on Canadian wheat exports

Vietnam lifting restriction on Canadian wheat exports

Aug 29, 2023 | 2:08pm
Vietnam announced it is taking Canada thistle, also known as creeping thistle, out of its revised quarantine pest list, clearing the way for Canadian wheat exports to enter the country. The Vietnamese government had a zero tolerance policy in place for creeping thistle since 2018, meaning any Canadian wheat that had it faced commercial penalties, […]
Tale of two proteins: beef prices expensive, pork prices cheap

Tale of two proteins: beef prices expensive, pork prices cheap

Aug 14, 2023 | 3:40pm
You’ve likely noticed it at the grocery store and on social media: beef prices are high, but pork prices are low. Using a few products from a Stats Canada chart as examples, the average price for beef top sirloin, across Canada, was $21.43 per kilogram in June, compared to $18.44 per kilogram in January. The […]