Canadian Ag News

Another delay facing Bill C-234

Another delay facing Bill C-234

Nov 10, 2023 | 5:07pm
The fix is in.  That was a comment from Senator David Wells, following a raucous session in the senate on Thursday afternoon.  During 3rd reading of bill 234, an amendment was put forward by independent senator Lucie Moncion that had to do with the length of the sunset clause.  It was like an amendment introduced in […]
New Executive Director at Ag in the Classroom Canada

New Executive Director at Ag in the Classroom Canada

Nov 10, 2023 | 4:59pm
Ag in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) has a new Executive Director. Mathieu Rouleau grew up on a dairy, cash crop, and maple syrup farm in southwestern Quebec, and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Business and Agronomy from McGill University. He worked as an agronomist in Quebec as well as in the finance industry, […]
The Wheat Growers want to know where members stand on proposed Viterra-Bunge Merger

The Wheat Growers want to know where members stand on proposed Viterra-Bunge Merger

Nov 6, 2023 | 4:22pm
The Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association wants to hear thoughts from members about the proposed merger between Viterra and Bunge. The merger, announced earlier this year, is currently under review from the federal government as well as the Competition Bureau. President of the Wheat Growers Gunter Jochum says the survey – sent to members by email […]
Three groups collaborating to establish Grasslands Conservation Initiative

Three groups collaborating to establish Grasslands Conservation Initiative

Nov 2, 2023 | 2:51pm
A collaborative effort is being made to conserve grasslands across the country. The Canadian Cattle Association, Ducks Unlimited Canada, and the Nature Conservancy of Canada created the Grasslands Conservation Initiative (CGI). Vice President of the CCA Tyler Fulton says it’s geared to the ranching community. “The way it would kind of work is there’d be […]
Moose Jaw home to a new pork processing plant

Moose Jaw home to a new pork processing plant

Oct 31, 2023 | 2:54pm
A new pork processing plant has been established at Moose Jaw. The plant plans to process the 200,000 cull sows that are currently exported to the U.S. Donald’s Fine Food owned by Donald Leung and his family already runs Thunder Creek Pork in Moose Jaw processing a little over 300,000 market hogs per year. Their […]
Deadline to file a return for Underused Housing Tax around the corner

Deadline to file a return for Underused Housing Tax around the corner

Oct 26, 2023 | 2:19pm
The Underused Housing Tax is meant to curtail foreign ownership of housing through trusts in Canada’s large cities. However, in some circumstances, farmers are being hit with the need to file a return for the Underused Housing Tax. Although in most cases they are exempt from paying the tax, which is 1 per cent of […]