
Plans Underway to Improve Forage Insurance Programs

Plans Underway to Improve Forage Insurance Programs

Aug 28, 2023 | 2:21pm
The cattle sector is hoping satellite technology will be the answer for providing forage insurance comparable to how multi-peril insurance works for grain farmers. Collaboration is occurring between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the three prairie crop insurance agencies, Canadian Cattle Association, Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association and Global Ag Risk Solutions in an effort to make […]
Government of Canada announced $72 million in federal support for SMR development in Saskatchewan

Government of Canada announced $72 million in federal support for SMR development in Saskatchewan

Aug 28, 2023 | 9:04am
The Federal Government has announced its support for developing and deploying small modular reactors (SMRs) in Saskatchewan. Announced earlier this month by Jonathan Wilkinson, the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, the Government of Canada has approved up to $74 million in federal funding for SMR development in Saskatchewan, led by SaskPower. The announcement comes […]
Canada Joins USA on Trade Fight With Mexico Over GMO Corn

Canada Joins USA on Trade Fight With Mexico Over GMO Corn

Aug 25, 2023 | 1:58pm
Mexico’s restrictions on products made with genetically modified corn, has lead to Canada joining the United States in a trade dispute.  Trade Minister Mary Ng and Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay say Canada will take part in dispute resolution proceedings as a third party.  Mexico imposed a ban in February on importing tortillas or dough made […]
Insects Still Causing Issues in Manitoba Crops:  Report

Insects Still Causing Issues in Manitoba Crops: Report

Aug 25, 2023 | 1:54pm
There are still some areas where grasshopper levels are of concern. Flea beetles are still being noticed at high levels on the pods in some canola fields. Bertha armyworm has been noticed in some canola fields, but there were no reports of control for it over the past week. Many crops have advanced to stages […]
Two ag organizations form partnership to address straw shortage

Two ag organizations form partnership to address straw shortage

Aug 24, 2023 | 3:01pm
Two farm groups are working together to address a shortage of straw, as a result of drought conditions in parts of Saskatchewan. The Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association (SSGA) and the Saskatchewan Seed Forage Development Commission (SSFDC) are facilitating a forage straw drop among producers in the northeast. President of the Stock Growers Garner Deobald says […]
<strong>Government of Canada announces new living lab in Prince Edward Island</strong>” src=”https://cdn.socast.io/client-harvardmedia/sites/2/2023/08/18142125/macaulay.jpg” itemprop=”image”>
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Government of Canada announces new living lab in Prince Edward Island

Aug 24, 2023 | 2:08pm
Today, while visiting the Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation, the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, announced the creation of a new living lab in Prince Edward Island (PEI). The announcement was made alongside Heath MacDonald, Member of Parliament for Malpeque, and Bobby Morrissey, Member of Parliament for Egmont. Led by […]
Saskatchewan Harvest 21% Complete: Crop Report

Saskatchewan Harvest 21% Complete: Crop Report

Aug 24, 2023 | 2:06pm
Producers continued to make progress harvesting their crops this week. Scattered rain helped with moisture levels as systems moved through the province. Saskatchewan is now 21 per cent completed harvest, ahead of the five-year average of 14 per cent and the 10-year average of 11 per cent. The southwest continues to lead the province in […]
Farm groups welcome provincial drought support for livestock producers

Farm groups welcome provincial drought support for livestock producers

Aug 23, 2023 | 4:20pm
Reaction to the provincial government’s announcement of financial support for livestock producers through AgriRecovery has been positive. The President of the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association Garner Deobald, and CEO of the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association Grant McLellan, both welcomed the announcement. Both Deobald and McLellan said they appreciate the timeliness of supports made available, and expect […]
Manitoba Harvest Progressing:  Crop Report

Manitoba Harvest Progressing: Crop Report

Aug 23, 2023 | 2:12pm
Harvest progress sits at 13% complete across the province, which is on-par with the 5-year average harvest progress. Winter wheat and fall rye harvest is near completion, with 93% of acres harvested. Early yield reports for winter wheat are averaging about 60 bu/acre and 70 bu/acre for fall rye. Harvest continues in spring cereal crops, […]
Russia Attacks Ukrainian Grain Port Again

Russia Attacks Ukrainian Grain Port Again

Aug 23, 2023 | 2:09pm
Russian drones struck Ukrainian grain facilities at the Danube River port of Izmail overnight in what a senior official said today was a systematic attempt by Moscow to prevent Kyiv from exporting grain to the world. Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov said the port’s export capacity had been reduced by 15% and that 13,000 metric tons […]