
Manitoba Harvest 50% Complete:  Crop Report

Manitoba Harvest 50% Complete: Crop Report

Sep 13, 2023 | 2:49pm
Harvest progress sits at 51% complete across the province, which is ahead of the 5-year average (42%).Winter wheat and fall rye harvest is complete (100%).Yield reports are averaging about 60 bu/acre for winter wheat and 70 bu/acre for fall rye. Harvest continues in spring cereal crops, with barley at 81% complete, oats at 83% complete […]
Farm leaders 50 percent done harvest, yields average to “a little” above average

Farm leaders 50 percent done harvest, yields average to “a little” above average

Sep 12, 2023 | 3:50pm
Farm group leaders are not only in charge of their respective organizations, but are also producers themselves. The Chairperson of the Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission Brett Halstead farms in the Nokomis area, north of Regina. Vice President of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture Todd Lewis farms near the hamlet of Gray, south of the Queen […]
Ukraine Readying to Protest Grain Export Restrictions

Ukraine Readying to Protest Grain Export Restrictions

Sep 12, 2023 | 2:02pm
Ukraine has warned it could seek international arbitration over restrictions on its grain exports after Poland said it would continue to block domestic imports of Ukrainian grain even if Brussels lifts a ban. Restrictions imposed by the European Union in May allowed Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia to ban domestic sales of Ukrainian wheat, maize, […]
Oats Production Expected to be Higher This Year

Oats Production Expected to be Higher This Year

Sep 12, 2023 | 2:00pm
Ahead of the model-based Statistics Canada production report due out on Thursday, Scott Shiels of Grain Millers Canada in Yorkton says it’s likely the agency’s numbers for oats will increase. StatsCan issued its first model-based production report for 2023-24 on Aug. 29, which placed the country’s oats at about 2.429 million tonnes. While the first report […]
Syngenta Canada Unveils New Pulse Seed Treatment for 2024

Syngenta Canada Unveils New Pulse Seed Treatment for 2024

Sep 12, 2023 | 1:58pm
Syngenta Canada has announced the registration of Vibrance Total, a new fungicide pulse seed treatment offering what they say is the most comprehensive and advanced level of protection found on the market today. With five modes of action, Vibrance Total provides broad-spectrum disease control, including enhanced protection against Ascochyta blight. Vibrance Total is the only pulse seed treatment on the […]
Ag Roundtable Episode 1

Ag Roundtable Episode 1

Sep 11, 2023 | 4:11pm
Chief Agricultural Editor of SaskAgToday.com Kevin Hursh, GX94 Agriculture News Director Doug Falconer, and 620 CKRM AgriNews Director Ryan Young discuss what’s happened in the world of Agriculture for the week. Topics ranged from harvest in Saskatchewan and Manitoba to the U.S.-Mexico trade dispute over Mexico’s ban on biotech corn.
Collaboration aims to make satellite-based forage insurance a usable product

Collaboration aims to make satellite-based forage insurance a usable product

Sep 11, 2023 | 3:47pm
The cattle sector is hoping satellite technology will be the answer for providing forage insurance comparable to how multi-peril insurance works for grain farmers. Collaboration is occurring between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the three prairie crop insurance agencies, Canadian Cattle Association, Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association and Global Ag Risk Solutions in an effort to make […]
Rail Service for Grain Movement Falters in Week 5

Rail Service for Grain Movement Falters in Week 5

Sep 11, 2023 | 2:45pm
CN and CPKC Rail supplied a combined 91% of hopper cars ordered in grain week 5, a decline from the previous week’s 98% order fulfillment performance. The deterioration in performance in total reflects a decline in performance for each of CN and CPKC. In supplying 89% of hopper cars ordered on time in week 5, CN saw […]
Latest Stocks Data Released by Statistics Canada

Latest Stocks Data Released by Statistics Canada

Sep 11, 2023 | 2:43pm
Canadian canola ending stocks edged higher in 2022-23, while wheat carryout was slightly lower. That’s according to the latest stocks data from Statistics Canada, released Friday. Barley, oats and peas also saw increases on the year, while lentil supplies tightened. Total wheat stocks as of July 31, at 3.58 million tonnes were down by 2.2 […]
New Board Members Acclaimed for Saskatchewan Pulse Growers

New Board Members Acclaimed for Saskatchewan Pulse Growers

Sep 8, 2023 | 2:08pm
Three nominees have been acclaimed to the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers Board of Directors following the close of nominations in early September. BJ Haubrich of Hazenmore will join the Board of Directors in January. Terry Youzwa of Nipawin and Winston van Staveren of Creelman will each continue into their second three-year term on the Board. Corey Loessin […]