
Mixed trends for cattle prices in Saskatchewan & Alberta: Cattle Market Update

Mixed trends for cattle prices in Saskatchewan & Alberta: Cattle Market Update

May 22, 2024 | 4:52pm
The latest weekly cattle market update from Canfax reflects the continued seasonal slowdown of the cattle market. Four feeder steer and three heifer weight categories reported prices for the week ending May 17. Prices for steers ranged from $361.29 per cwt in the 700-800 lb category up to $469.67 per cwt. For heifers, prices ranged […]
Spring Seeding in Manitoba Appoaches Midway Mark

Spring Seeding in Manitoba Appoaches Midway Mark

May 22, 2024 | 2:10pm
Seeding progress has been observed in many areas of Manitoba this past week and is now at 47% complete. Producers have focused on planting corn (65% complete), cereals (70% complete) and peas (90% complete). Canola planting has just started with 20% of the acres planted. Producers are planting a variety of crops based on soil […]
Most recent geomagnetic storm causing GPS problems for some producers

Most recent geomagnetic storm causing GPS problems for some producers

May 17, 2024 | 5:27pm
Producers rely heavily on their GPS guidance systems for seeding and spraying equipment this time of year.  However, a couple of unique GPS problems have materialized this spring.  Kevin Hursh of SaskAgToday.com talked with Matt Yanick the president and owner of My Precision Ag based in Rocanville:
Sask Ag Today Roundtable Episode 35

Sask Ag Today Roundtable Episode 35

May 17, 2024 | 4:43pm
Seeding kick-started the latest SaskAgToday.com Roundtable with Chief Agricultural Editor Kevin Hursh, 620 CKRM AgriNews Director Ryan Young, and GX94 Agriculture Director Doug Falconer. The guys discussed the Provincial crop report and how much rain was in the southwest, south, and Parkland Regions of the province. Other topics covered include canola and wheat prices, the […]
Farmers able to make substantial seeding progress over the past week

Farmers able to make substantial seeding progress over the past week

May 16, 2024 | 10:25am
Seeding in Saskatchewan is nearly one-third of the way done. The Provincial crop report released Thursday morning notes seeding province-wide is 32 per cent complete, up from 12 per cent last week. However, it is behind the 5-year average of 54 per cent and the 10-year average of 45 per cent. Farmers in the southwest […]
Saskatchewan agri-food exports to Indo-Pacific Region surpass $7-billion in 2023

Saskatchewan agri-food exports to Indo-Pacific Region surpass $7-billion in 2023

May 15, 2024 | 5:07pm
Saskatchewan’s agri-food exports to the Indo-Pacific region in 2023 were $7.28 billion, according to the provincial government. The Indo-Pacific region includes China, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and India.  Top agri-food exports to the region were canola seed, non-durum wheat, dry peas, lentils, and barley. The province noted the total value of agri-food exports increased […]
Limited cattle prices as market enters seasonal downtime

Limited cattle prices as market enters seasonal downtime

May 15, 2024 | 4:26pm
A quiet week for cattle prices in Saskatchewan as a few weight categories for feeder steers and heifers were reported for the week ending May 10th. For the steers, only two weight categories recorded a price — the 600-700 lb and the 700-800 lb steers. The 600-700 lb category had an average price of $386.33 per […]
Saskatchewan dairy industry prepared in the event avian flu hits Canada

Saskatchewan dairy industry prepared in the event avian flu hits Canada

May 15, 2024 | 3:46pm
The spread of avian flu in U.S. dairy cattle supplies has the dairy industry here in Saskatchewan keeping a close eye on things. Avian flu has appeared in dairy herds across 9 U.S. states since late-March, but it has not spread north of the border. The Biden Administration is committing $200-million to contain the H5N1 […]
Latest Manitoba Crop Report Shows Spring Seeding is 30% Complete

Latest Manitoba Crop Report Shows Spring Seeding is 30% Complete

May 15, 2024 | 1:34pm
Rapid seeding progressed across Manitoba this past week and is now at 30% complete. Producers have focused on planting corn (60% complete), cereals (58% complete) and peas (72% complete). Canola planting has just started with 6% of the acres being planted. Producers are planting a variety of crops based on soil and weather conditions. Soil […]