Featured – Kevin Hursh

Crop yields up, but prices down

Crop yields up, but prices down

Sep 6, 2024 | 1:27pm
Crop yields in Saskatchewan are better than last year, but the decline in prices will mean lower overall returns. Using Statistics Canada estimated yields and comparing them to the estimated yields from one year ago, all crops are showing a significant increase. It should be noted that the Statistics Canada yields do vary from those […]
Grain farmers made less money in first half of 2024 compared to livestock producers

Grain farmers made less money in first half of 2024 compared to livestock producers

Aug 30, 2024 | 1:31pm
Farm cash receipts from crops decreased in the first six months of the year as compared to 2023 while livestock receipts were higher. According to Statistics Canada, farm cash receipts for Canadian farmers totalled $47.4 billion in the first two quarters of the year, down $1.6 billion from the previous year. Crop receipts fell $3.3 […]
CGC revokes licences from Purely Canada Foods Corp

CGC revokes licences from Purely Canada Foods Corp

Aug 28, 2024 | 3:16pm
The Canadian Grain Commission has revoked the grain dealer licence and primary elevator licences of Purely Canada Foods Corp. in Avonlea, Kindersley and Lajord. According to sources in the grain trade, Purely Canada has been struggling to pay its bills for quite some time and there are many farmers unpaid for grain deliveries, particularly pulse […]
Hot, dry weather, increased production factors in latest price outlook from AAFC

Hot, dry weather, increased production factors in latest price outlook from AAFC

Aug 21, 2024 | 9:09am
Price prospects for canola, durum, soybeans, corn and flax declined in the just-released August Outlook for Principal Field Crops published by the Market Analysis Group of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Between the July report and this August report of crop prices for 2024-25, the biggest price decline is for canola. The forecasted average price for […]
Hursh: Hope for the best, plan for the worst with railway disruption looming

Hursh: Hope for the best, plan for the worst with railway disruption looming

Aug 14, 2024 | 10:55am
With a potential labour disruption on both major railways starting August 22, a cloud has been cast over fall grain deliveries. Hopefully, a strike or lockout does not occur on August 22, but at this point it doesn’t look promising. Both sides in the dispute are reported to be far apart. Grain buyers are already […]
Grain freight rates increase again

Grain freight rates increase again

Aug 9, 2024 | 4:01pm
If you ask grain farmers about their biggest input costs, they are likely to talk about equipment purchases, fertilizer prices or the cost of various crop protection products. One huge cost, grain freight rates are seldom top of mind because producers pay indirectly. Grain buyers pay the huge cost of grain movement by rail and […]
New Crop Year Price Predictions

New Crop Year Price Predictions

Jul 29, 2024 | 2:16pm
The new crop year begins this Thursday, August 1. The 2024-25 crop year is expected to see significant price declines for most crops. In fact, wheat and flax are the only crops where prices are forecast to be a bit better. The Market Analysis Group within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada issues regular outlooks for the […]
AgTech Breakfast showcases several start-ups

AgTech Breakfast showcases several start-ups

Jul 18, 2024 | 1:16am
An AgTech Breakfast was held Wednesday morning at Ag in Motion to profile a number of startup companies, and what they can provide for farmers. A start-up company called Pathoscan can test for crop disease in the field, providing immediate immediate answers. This is unlike labs where getting results takes days. In a similar vain, […]
Hursh: Stats Canada Seeded Acreage Report Met Most Expectations

Hursh: Stats Canada Seeded Acreage Report Met Most Expectations

Jul 4, 2024 | 2:54pm
There weren’t a lot of surprises in yesterday’s seeded acreage report from Statistics Canada.  The seeded acreages for most crops were not too far from grain trade expectations. One exception may have been barley, down nearly 13 per cent as compared to last year. The drop was greatest in Saskatchewan – down 17.5 per cent. […]
AAFC releases June outlook report for principal field crops

AAFC releases June outlook report for principal field crops

Jun 24, 2024 | 1:49pm
The price premium for durum over spring wheat is narrowing. That’s one of the takeaways from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s June outlook report for principal field crops. Ag Canada has lowered its durum price forecast for the current crop year. The May forecast had the average price of durum at $450 a tonne for the […]