A farmer in the Humboldt area says seeding has been smooth sailing but could now use heat to aid crop development. George Hinz says this month has been the total opposite of the winter, which was drier than normal. “If I had to venture a guess I’d say we’d probably had three inches of water […]
Seeding progress in Saskatchewan went from half-way done to three-quarters of the way through. The provincial crop report, released Thursday, has seeding at 77 per cent complete, up from 56 per cent last week. It remains behind the 5-year average of 91 per cent and 10-year average of 89 per cent for this time of […]
While pay will always remain an important factor in attracting new employees to the agriculture sector, other issues such as work flexibility, vacation time and sick days could make the difference in hiring and retaining high quality workers. The Canadian Agricultural Human Resources Council surveyed 140 organizations to learn more about employee compensation.It found 44 […]
Seeding progress has been observed in many areas of Manitoba this past week and is now at 64% complete. Producers have focused on planting corn (80% complete), spring wheat (87% complete) barley (79% complete)and peas (96% complete). Canola planting continues with 41% of the acres planted. Soybean planting is at 55% completion. Producers are planting […]
Statistics Canada has released a blizzard of farm income and expense statistics for 2022, 2023 and the first part of this year. In both 2022 and 2023, Alberta had higher farm cash receipts than Saskatchewan. However, Saskatchewan led all the provinces by a wide margin when it comes to net farm income. Realized net income […]