Harvest progress went up a little bit in Saskatchewan, as six per cent has been combined. According to the provincial crop report Thursday morning, it’s up from four per cent last week and slightly ahead of the five and ten year averages of five per cent. Producers in the southwest lead other regions in harvest […]
Harvest continues in fall rye and winter wheat in Manitoba, and has started in spring wheat, barley, and peas. Yield reports are preliminary at this stage. Most spring cereals are at hard dough to physiological maturity. Corn fields range from silking to milk stage, with the latest fields at tasseling. The earliest seeded canola crops […]
The newly formed Saskatchewan Oilseeds Development Commission (SaskOilseeds) is looking for nominations for four open spots on the Board of Directors. SaskOilseeds is the byproduct of an amalgamation between SaskCanola and SaskFlax that took effect on August 1. The organization is “supported by 17,000 levy-paying Saskatchewan canola growers and 3,000 levy-paying Saskatchewan flax growers.” Outgoing […]