
New Blood Will Need to be Attracted to Agrilcuture:  Insiders

New Blood Will Need to be Attracted to Agrilcuture: Insiders

May 23, 2023 | 2:03pm
Canada’s farmers are getting older, and most don’t have a clear succession plan, leaving a big question over who will take over the agriculture sector as a wave of retirements loom.  But industry insiders say an increased focus on technology and sustainability is helping attract younger generations to agriculture, including those coming to the field […]
Trio of Saskatchewan organizations receive funding to build ” Resiliency and Public Trust” in Agriculture

Trio of Saskatchewan organizations receive funding to build ” Resiliency and Public Trust” in Agriculture

May 23, 2023 | 1:35pm
The Canadian and Saskatchewan governments announced joint funding to three organizations that they say will help build resiliency and public trust in agriculture. More than $4.1 million is allocated to Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan, Agriculture in the Classroom Saskatchewan, and 4-H Saskatchewan over 5 years. That means Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan is receiving […]
Grain Markets this week: Prices for Canola dip, Wheat rallies

Grain Markets this week: Prices for Canola dip, Wheat rallies

May 19, 2023 | 3:19pm
The July Canola contract was down 10 dollars a metric ton, just above 700 dollars for the week, while the July Minneapolis Wheat contract was down 14 cents a bushel to around $8.25. That’s according to Future Commodity Advisor with P.I. Financial Adam Pukalo, who says July Minneapolis Wheat had a nice rally on Wednesday, […]
More Ships Leave Ukraine Under Black Sea Grain Deal

More Ships Leave Ukraine Under Black Sea Grain Deal

May 19, 2023 | 2:20pm
Three new ships were authorized yesterday to take part in a deal allowing the safe Black Sea export of Ukraine grain. Global wheat prices fell further a day after Russia agreed to extend the pact for 60 more days. Russia had threatened to quit the Black Sea agreement if a list of demands to overcome obstacles to its own grain […]
IGC Issues May Grain Forecast

IGC Issues May Grain Forecast

May 19, 2023 | 2:18pm
The International Grains Council has bumped up its forecast for total global grain production for 2023-24 to a record 2.294 billion tonnes, raising outputs for corn and soybeans but reducing its call for wheat. Compared to the IGC’s April report, it added three million tonnes to its May forecast on overall new crop production. That made […]
Little Change in Chickpea Prices in Short-Term:  Analyst

Little Change in Chickpea Prices in Short-Term: Analyst

May 19, 2023 | 2:17pm
Canadian farmers are in the early stages of planting the country’s next chickpea crop, with market conditions firm for the time being, ahead of new-crop harvests in other countries. Jake Hansen of Mid-West Grain at Moose Jaw expects the rangebound trend will continue until there’s a better sense of production in Russia and Turkey. Both […]
Black Sea Grain Deal Extended but Negotiations Continue

Black Sea Grain Deal Extended but Negotiations Continue

May 18, 2023 | 2:37pm
The Ukraine Black Sea grain deal was extended yesterday for two more months, one day before Russia could have quit the pact over obstacles to its grain and fertilizer exports. The flow of ships through the corridor had been grinding to a halt during the last few days with the deal set to expire today. The United Nations […]
Railways Not Affected by Alberta Wildfires-Yet

Railways Not Affected by Alberta Wildfires-Yet

May 18, 2023 | 2:35pm
Abnormally hot and dry weather is set to return to Alberta today after a couple of cooler days helped calm wildfires that have forced thousands of evacuations in the province. Record-high temperatures and tinder-dry vegetation have led to an intense, early start to wildfire season in Western Canada this year.  Weather forecasters see no improvement in conditions […]
Saskatchewan farmers made great progress with seeding over the last week

Saskatchewan farmers made great progress with seeding over the last week

May 18, 2023 | 1:29pm
Saskatchewan farmers made significant progress this past week. The second crop report for the period of May 9-15, released today, indicates seeding is 38 percent complete, a substantial increase from 9 percent the previous week. While it is behind the 5-year average of 53 percent, it is closer to the 10-year average of 44 percent. The northwest is […]
Four students receive Agriculture Student Scholarship

Four students receive Agriculture Student Scholarship

May 17, 2023 | 2:44pm
Four Saskatchewan students have been awarded the Agriculture Student Scholarship to pursue post-secondary education in agriculture. Caitlyn Spratt from Melfort was awarded $4,000, for her essay on Saskatchewan’s sustainability efforts, which included implementing practices like zero till and GPS technology, and addressing the environmental benefits of cattle grazing on native rangelands. “I couldn’t believe it, […]