An AgTech Breakfast was held Wednesday morning at Ag in Motion to profile a number of startup companies, and what they can provide for farmers. A start-up company called Pathoscan can test for crop disease in the field, providing immediate immediate answers. This is unlike labs where getting results takes days. In a similar vain, […]
The Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada (AMC) officially unveiled their mobile skills lab Tuesday at Ag in Motion. The mobile skills lab, which is designed to encourage people to consider a career in agriculture. Donna Boyd, the president of AMC, says it all began three years ago when they noticed the ag manufacturing industry was having […]
The bright orange equipment of Kubota Canada isn’t hard to miss at Ag in Motion. Kubota is one of a few companies offering an opportunity to try out their farm equipment, the M7 and M8 model tractors; the other companies offering similar opportunities are CLAAS, John Deere, and Versatile. Kyle Dabrowski, the Product Manager for […]
MarketsFarm analyst Bruce Burnett is reporting consistently excellent yield potential across the Prairies this year after he logged 3,500 km on a crop tour on his way to Ag in Motion. He says general crop conditions are much better than last year, especially in the southwestern Prairies. Burnett says crops grown in this region, especially […]
Warmer conditions over the past week advanced crop growth. Fall rye and winter wheat are at the soft to hard dough stage with the most advanced fields ripening. Spring wheat ranges from flag to soft dough stages, with some lodging evident due to wind and rain events. Canola ranges from rosette to early podding. Fungicide […]