CKRM Agriculture

Latest Manitoba Crop Report Shows Crops are Rapidly Developing

Latest Manitoba Crop Report Shows Crops are Rapidly Developing

Jul 24, 2024 | 12:04pm
Warmer conditions over the past week advanced crop growth. Fall rye was in the late dough stage to dry down stage with harvest anticipated to start in about ten days if weather allows. Winter wheat stands were in the hard dough stage with some evidence of crop maturity and dry down starting to occur. Sunflower […]
Opening Grain Prices Wednesday, July 24

Opening Grain Prices Wednesday, July 24

Jul 24, 2024 | 9:29am
Durum                         315.68  Feed barley                  221.57  Canola                          619.12 (down 1.70) Chickpeas                     925.94  Flax        […]
From one farm to another, there’s something to see during inaugural Open Farm Days

From one farm to another, there’s something to see during inaugural Open Farm Days

Jul 23, 2024 | 4:11pm
Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan is eagerly awaiting the start of the first Open Farm Days next month. Open Farm Days got its start in Atlantic Canada and has since spread to Ontario, Alberta, and now Saskatchewan. Coodinator of Saskatchewan Open Farm Days Ashley Stone says 40 different farms from Val Marie to Carrot River […]
Research project aims to “close carbon loop” with copper

Research project aims to “close carbon loop” with copper

Jul 23, 2024 | 3:13pm
McGill University researchers, with help from the Canadian Light Source at the University of Saskatchewan, discovered a new way to turn carbon dioxide (CO2) into methane and continuously use it as an energy source. Methane is produced in different ways, from burning of fossil fuels, to livestock and other agricultural practices, which can then introduce […]
Closing Grain Prices Tuesday, July 23

Closing Grain Prices Tuesday, July 23

Jul 23, 2024 | 1:10pm
Durum                         315.68  Feed barley                 221.57  Canola                        620.82 (up 70 cents) Chickpeas                   925.94  Flax            […]
Opening Grain Prices Tuesday, July 23

Opening Grain Prices Tuesday, July 23

Jul 23, 2024 | 9:38am
Durum                         315.68  Feed barley                 221.57 (up 10.00) Canola                        620.12 (down 40 cents) Chickpeas                   925.94  Flax        […]
Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers of Agriculture Meet to Advance the Resilience and Growth of the Sector

Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers of Agriculture Meet to Advance the Resilience and Growth of the Sector

Jul 22, 2024 | 2:31pm
The annual conference of Federal, Provincial and Territorial (FPT) Ministers of Agriculture was held in Whitehorse, Yukon, from July 17 to 19, 2024. FPT Ministers of Agriculture discussed several areas of interest for Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector. The meeting focused on work to advance the resilience and competitiveness of the sector and strengthen the […]
Canada’s Major Railways Continue to Serve Farmers Well:  Ag Transport Coalition

Canada’s Major Railways Continue to Serve Farmers Well: Ag Transport Coalition

Jul 22, 2024 | 2:07pm
CN and CPKC Rail supplied a combined 95% of hopper cars ordered in grain week 50, a modest decline from the 96% order fulfillment performance seen in week 49.  In supplying 91% of cars ordered by shippers in week 50, CN performance declined slightly from the 93% order fulfillment performance seen the prior week.  CN […]
Closing Grain Prices Monday, July 22

Closing Grain Prices Monday, July 22

Jul 22, 2024 | 1:12pm
Durum                         315.68  Feed barley                 211.57 Canola                        620.52 (up 7.30) Chickpeas                   925.94  Flax              […]
Opening Grain Prices Monday, July 22

Opening Grain Prices Monday, July 22

Jul 22, 2024 | 9:24am
Durum                         315.68  Feed barley                 211.57 Canola                        613.22 (up 19.60) Chickpeas                   925.94  Flax              […]