
Manitoba Spring Seeding Over 90% Complete: Manitoba Crop Report

Manitoba Spring Seeding Over 90% Complete: Manitoba Crop Report

Jun 12, 2024

Despite the wet conditions, seeding progress was made throughout much of the province last week and isestimated to be 92% complete. Spring cereals, peas, and grain corn are approximately 97% complete. Canola and soybean planting advanced, with 88% of canola…

Major Canadian Railways Continue to Perform Well for Farmers: Ag Transport Coalition

Major Canadian Railways Continue to Perform Well for Farmers: Ag Transport Coalition

Jun 10, 2024

CN and CPKC Rail supplied a combined 96% of hopper cars ordered in grain week 44, a modest decline from the 98% order fulfillment performance seen in week 43.  In supplying 92% of cars ordered by shippers in week 44,…

Top View of Green Field

SaskAgToday Roundtable Episode 38

Jun 7, 2024

111th Stock Growers AGM & Convention aims to “reach new heights”

111th Stock Growers AGM & Convention aims to “reach new heights”

Jun 6, 2024

The 111th Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association (SSGA) AGM & Convention is set for next week in Swift Current. President of the Stock Growers Garner Deobald says the theme this year is “reaching new heights”. “Reaching new heights is something that…

Auditor’s report shows Water Security Agency making progress on some recommendations

Auditor’s report shows Water Security Agency making progress on some recommendations

Jun 6, 2024

The Provincial Auditor followed up on whether the Water Security Agency (WSA) implemented any of its recommendations made in the 2018 audit. As of April of this year, the WSA has made some progress on recommendations on regulating drainage of water…