
Lots to look forward to at this year’s Ag in Motion

Lots to look forward to at this year’s Ag in Motion

Jul 15, 2024

More than 30 thousand people and at least 570 exhibitors are expected at Ag in Motion this year. This year is also the 10th edition of the annual out-door farm show, located on the Discovery Farm site near Langham, Saskatchewan.…

Major Canadian Railways Continue to Come Through for Prairie Farmers: Ag Transport Coalition

Major Canadian Railways Continue to Come Through for Prairie Farmers: Ag Transport Coalition

Jul 15, 2024

CN and CPKC Rail supplied a combined 96% of hopper cars ordered in grain week 49, a modest increase from the 95% order fulfillment performance seen in week 48.  In supplying 93% of cars ordered by shippers in week 49,…

SaskWater 2023-24 Report: collaborates with WSA on irrigation expansion, highlights other water-related projects

SaskWater 2023-24 Report: collaborates with WSA on irrigation expansion, highlights other water-related projects

Jul 14, 2024

In its annual report for the fiscal year 2023-24, SaskWater reported a net income of $8.7-million, an increase of $100-thousand from the previous year. The Crown Corporation had a few highlights during the year. Of the $87-million in capital projects…

Closing Grain Prices Friday, July 12

Closing Grain Prices Friday, July 12

Jul 12, 2024

Durum                         324.87  Feed barley                 211.57 Canola                        566.12 (up 2.10) Chickpeas   …

Some farmers embracing the heat, others may be concerned

Some farmers embracing the heat, others may be concerned

Jul 11, 2024

Depending on the farmer, they’re either welcoming the hot weather or are a bit concerned. Vice-President of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture Todd Lewis farms near Gray, south of Regina. He says he finished spraying fungicide on his lentils and…