APAS, SCA release federal election priorities for candidates to weigh in

As the federal election campaign is almost through its first week, farm groups are sharpening their pencils to ask political candidates about their stance to certain agriculture issues.

The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS) and the Saskatchewan Cattle Association (SCA) are among those groups.

Both have released their respective list of priorities for candidates in the province to respond to.

For example, APAS’ priorities include enhanced international trade and market access, advancement of finance and tax policy, regulatory agency competitiveness, modernization of grain services, rail freight policy reform, national supply chain and data strategy, and animal and soil health policies.

The SCA’s list is split into four key areas of interest – competitiveness, business risk management, value added in Saskatchewan, and regulatory.

Both groups are optimistic they’ll get plenty of responses before election day, which is April 28.

The APAS and SCA documents can be viewed below.

Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan:

Saskatchewan Cattle Association:

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