Only the heavier feeder steer and feeder heifer weight categories in Saskatchewan had prices recorded for the week ending February 7.
The Canfax Cattle Market Update for this past week showed prices for the 600-700 to 900-plus pound steers were mostly down, while prices for the 600-700 to 800-plus pound heifers were mostly up. There was no data available for the lighter steer and heifer weight categories.
The 600-700 pound steers had a week-over-week price increase of 70 cents to $461.83 per cwt. The largest decrease among the steers was in the 800-900 pound category at $20.25 per cwt. For the heifers, the 700-800 pound category had the largest increase of $6.41 per cwt to $381.58, followed by the 800-plus pound category of $5.67 per cwt to $356.50.

Livestock Intern at the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Emily Schmidt says the ongoing market uncertainty, high number of cattle sold at auction in recent weeks, lower cattle supply overall, and extreme cold likely contributed to the decline in the number of cattle marketed last week.
There were 7,560 head of cattle sold at auction, down from 14,217 head marketed in the week ending January 31 and less than the 10.010 head marketed the same week last year. The total volume of cattle marketed this year remains above last year’s total by 50 per cent with 55,517 head marketed year-to-date.
Schmidt says the price of live, non-fed cattle in Alberta was down compared to the prior week. The price for D2 cows for the week ending February 7 was $188.00 per cwt, down $2.13 from the previous week and D3 cows were priced at $173.00 per cwt, a decrease of $3.25.
The Canfax price for Alberta fed steers were up 66 cents to $276.41 per cwt. It’s also 26 per cent higher than the price from the same week in 2024 when it was $219.38 per cwt. Canfax also noted the current price for Alberta fed steers is the highest recorded price.