CN and CPKC Rail Post Starkly Different Grain Delivery Results in Week 39

CN and CPKC Rail supplied a combined 80% of hopper cars ordered in grain week 39, a modest decline from the prior week. 

In supplying 68% of cars ordered by shippers in week 39, CN saw performance decline notably from the 80% order fulfillment performance seen in week 38 and once again falling below the 80% performance threshold. 

CN performance remains below the 90% performance threshold for the seventeenth consecutive week. 

CPKC performance improved significantly, with the railway supplying 92% of shipper orders in week 39, an improvement from the 82% order fulfillment performance seen in week 38, and the best performance seen from CPKC in four months. 

It’s also the first time in four months that CPKC has seen performance meet or exceed the 90% threshold. 

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