Yorkton Chamber of Commerce Wants Bill C-234 Passed

The Board of Directors of the Yorkton Chamber of Commerce has sent a letter to Canada’s Senate urging the Senate to pass Bill C-234 An Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act. The Act, which was passed by the House of Commons in March 2023, is intended to exempt fuels used to dry grain and to heat and/or cool barns and greenhouses from the carbon tax. The Chamber pointed out to the Senators that every dollar taken by the carbon tax is one less dollar farmers and ranchers have to spend in the local economy.

A second letter was sent to the Senators from Saskatchewan asking them to share with their fellow Senators the concerns of the farmers and business people of Saskatchewan.

Vanessa Andres, President of the Yorkton Chamber said it is imperative for this Bill to be passed by the Senate. “The Senate has had many months to consider this Bill,” she said. “Bill-C234 needs to be passed immediately by the Senate in order for the exemption of the carbon tax to take effect. Exempting the carbon tax on fuel to supply safe, affordable food will benefit not only the farms and local businesses but all Canadians.”

The Yorkton Chamber of Commerce is the “voice of the Yorkton and district business community” and represents over 430 members.

(Yorkton Chamber of Commerce news release)

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