Saskatchewan Producers Reporting High Crop Insurance Premiums

Saskatchewan farmers have been receiving their annual crop insurance bills in the mail in recent days. 

Sask Ag Today’s Chief Agricultural Editor, Kevin Hursh, is one of them. 

He farms in the Cabri area of southwest Saskatchewan, and says he was surprised by how high his premiums are.

He says it’s not just farmers suffering from drought, that have seen a jump in their premiums.       

Hursh notes the timing of the arrival of this year’s crop insurance bills, is no different than previous years. 

But he admits it’s hard for the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation to predict what grain and oilseed prices will be, due to the market volatiity we’ve seen over the past few years. 

Hursh expects the crop insurance agencies in Manitoba and Alberta will keep a close eye on how the new methodology works in Saskatchewan.

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