SCA hosting two more townhall meetings on supports for producers facing drought conditions

The Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association is hosting two more townhall meetings this week in drought-stricken areas of the province.

One is this afternoon (Tues) in Cabri at the Cabri Community Hall from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.

The other is tomorrow (Wed) from the Cadillac Community Hall in Cadillac from 1:30 to 4:30 as well.

In addition to district representatives with the SCA, Regional Livestock Specialists and staff from Saskatchewan Crop Insurance are expected to be in attendance.

Current support programs for producers, feedback on those programs from producers and testimony on what they are facing are expected to drive the meetings.

The previous two were held last week in Perdue and Kindersley and both were well-attended.

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