Manitoba Crop Report Suggests Rain is Needed

The biggest concern amongst crop producers remains the lack of significant rainfall.

Sporadic showers across Manitoba over the last week made little contribution to crop moisture maintenance.

Cereal crops are reported to be in the four leaf to full flag leaf stage.

Crops have shown rapid development and remain in good condition except later planted fields with uneven and thin stands due to dry topsoil.

Corn has advanced rapidly with the recent heat and most of the fields are at the V5 to V8 stage.

Canola has advanced rapidly beyond its vulnerable growth stages in most regions except for later planted fields.

Soybean development was rapid during the last week with the warm weather.

Iron deficiency chlorosis has been observed in most regions.

Hay and pasture growth has slowed and is showing signs of moisture stress.

Hay yields will most likely be down from last year.

(Government of Manitoba news release)

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