AAFC Releases Outlook for Principal Field Crops

Canadian canola ending stocks in both the current marketing year and upcoming 2023-24 season will be tighter than earlier estimates.

That’s according to supply and demand projections from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Factoring in Statistics Canada’s latest acreage estimates and its data for stocks as of March 31st — figures both released in the past month — AAFC now forecasts canola ending stocks of 650,000 tonnes for 2022-23 and only 650,000 for 2023-24.

That compares with the April forecasts of one million and 1.05 million tonnes respectively.

For wheat, ending stocks for 2022-23 were lowered to 3.98 million tonnes, from an estimated 4.3 million in April.

However, new-crop wheat ending stocks were bumped up by 100,000 tonnes on the month, to 5.8 million tonnes.

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