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Canadian Pulse Crop Exports Expected to be Stronger Than Expected

Canadian Pulse Crop Exports Expected to be Stronger Than Expected

Apr 26, 2023 | 10:57am
According to updated supply and demand projections from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canadian pea, chickpea and edible bean exports will likely beat earlier expectations during the current 2022-23 marketing year. The stocks-to-use rations for the three crops should also tighten as a result. In its report Friday, the government agency upped its call for Canadian pea exports […]
Statistics Canada Releases Acreage for for 2023 Growing Season

Statistics Canada Releases Acreage for for 2023 Growing Season

Apr 26, 2023 | 10:56am
Statistics Canada released its first acreage report for the 2023 growing season this morning. It says farmers expect to plant more wheat, canola, corn for grain, barley and soybeans in 2023, while area seeded to oats, lentils and dry peas is anticipated to decrease compared with the previous year. Farmers in Saskatchewan anticipate planting 7.3% more wheat in 2023, […]
APAS President wants federal government and PSAC to reach an agreement quickly

APAS President wants federal government and PSAC to reach an agreement quickly

Apr 25, 2023 | 3:40pm
Viterra port facilities in Vancouver and Montreal are the sites of picket lines set up, as the Public Sectors Alliance of Canada strike is in its 7th day. President of the Agricultural Union within PSAC, Milton Dyck, says about 80 people were on the line in Vancouver in support of striking Canadian Grain Commission employees. […]
CNR Reports Strong First Quarter Revenue

CNR Reports Strong First Quarter Revenue

Apr 25, 2023 | 2:18pm
Canadian National Railway has upped its financial forecast for the year after reaping record first-quarter revenues from a bumper grain crop and higher oil prices. The sunny outlook comes despite the C-E-O expecting a shrinking economy throughout much of the year, as volumes sag for shipping containers and some bulk cargo. Chief executive Tracy Robinson […]
Canadian Analyst Expects Increased Canola and Wheat Acres This Spring

Canadian Analyst Expects Increased Canola and Wheat Acres This Spring

Apr 25, 2023 | 2:17pm
There will be slightly more wheat and canola acres seeded in Canada this year compared to last year, if traders and analysts are correct with their estimates  Statistics Canada will release its first survey-based acreage estimates for the 2023-24 marketing year tomorrow (Wed). Other than drier and cooler conditions in southern Manitoba, the weather outlook for Western […]
Saskatchewan and Japan sign agreement to deepen trade ties

Saskatchewan and Japan sign agreement to deepen trade ties

Apr 25, 2023 | 11:35am
Saskatchewan and Japan are strengthening their economic ties. A Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) has been signed between the province and Japan’s Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corporation (JOIN), a government agency that supports Japanese businesses abroad, especially in the area of infrastructure. “We would like to promote more infrastructure business here with Japenese [businesses]. Also, I’d like […]
No concern for spring flooding from last week’s storm: Sask. Water Security Agency

No concern for spring flooding from last week’s storm: Sask. Water Security Agency

Apr 24, 2023 | 4:03pm
The Saskatchewan Water Security Agency says there is little reason to worry about spring runoff from last week’s heavy snowstorm. Patrick Boyle with the Water Security Agency says cooler weather has prompted a slow, steady melt of snow this week. “It’ll add to a lot of those peak flows that have already made their way […]
Grain markets this week trend downward

Grain markets this week trend downward

Apr 21, 2023 | 3:02pm
Grain markets were showing downward movement this week. P.I. Financial commodity futures advisor Adam Pukalo says the July canola contract is down 20 dollars per metric ton, while spring wheat futures (July Minneapolis Wheat) have declined about 20 cents a bushel, at under $8.50 a bushel. There are two factors, Pukalo says, for the canola […]
Farm leader concerned about impact PSAC strike could have on grain movement

Farm leader concerned about impact PSAC strike could have on grain movement

Apr 20, 2023 | 3:55pm
The Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association wants the federal government to find a resolution to the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) strike as quickly as possible. President Gunter Jochum, who farms west of Winnipeg, is calling on Ottawa to ensure Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) employees within the PSAC Union return to work immediately. Jochum […]
New leadership for this year’s Canadian Western Agribition

New leadership for this year’s Canadian Western Agribition

Apr 20, 2023 | 2:01pm
The new leadership team for 2023 Canadian Western Agribition was selected at yesterday’s annual meeting in Regina. Kim Hextall from Grenfell goes into her second term as president. She joined the board in 2014. She and her husband raise purebred and commercial black angus cattle near Grenfell. Michael Latimer of Olds, Alberta was elected vice […]