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Canadian Western Agribition Launches Volunteer Campaign

Canadian Western Agribition Launches Volunteer Campaign

May 30, 2024 | 1:33pm
The search for volunteers is on for Canadian Western Agribition (CWA). In partnership with SaskEnergy, CWA launched its 2024 recruitment campaign for volunteers with a new incentive program.  Starting this year, new volunteers will be entered into a draw to win two tickets and a meet-and-greet with a superstar performer. Volunteers could win a chance […]
Survey looks at how much farms pay employees compared to other sectors

Survey looks at how much farms pay employees compared to other sectors

May 30, 2024 | 8:17am
While pay will always remain an important factor in attracting new employees to the agriculture sector, other issues such as work flexibility, vacation time and sick days could make the difference in hiring and retaining high quality workers. The Canadian Agricultural Human Resources Council surveyed 140 organizations to learn more about employee compensation.It found 44 […]
Manitoba Spring Seeding Progress Nearing the Two-Thirds Complete Mark

Manitoba Spring Seeding Progress Nearing the Two-Thirds Complete Mark

May 29, 2024 | 2:30pm
Seeding progress has been observed in many areas of Manitoba this past week and is now at 64% complete. Producers have focused on planting corn (80% complete), spring wheat (87% complete) barley (79% complete)and peas (96% complete). Canola planting continues with 41% of the acres planted. Soybean planting is at 55% completion. Producers are planting […]
Cattle prices in Saskatchewan and Alberta remain strong: Cattle Market Update

Cattle prices in Saskatchewan and Alberta remain strong: Cattle Market Update

May 28, 2024 | 4:14pm
Cattle prices remain strong as the seasonal slowdown continues, according to the weekly cattle market update for the week ending May 24. The 700-800 lb feeder steers and 700-800 lb feeder heifers were the only weight categories to report prices, with the rest not available due to lack of sufficient data. The price of 700-800 […]
Poll Shows Majority of Canadians Want Carbon Tax Break for Farmers:  CTF

Poll Shows Majority of Canadians Want Carbon Tax Break for Farmers: CTF

May 28, 2024 | 2:19pm
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation released Leger polling showing 70 per cent of Canadians support a carbon tax exemption on propane and natural gas for farmers. “The poll is clear: the vast majority of Canadians want the government to get farmers relief from the carbon tax,” said Gage Haubrich, CTF Prairie Director. “Canadians know that keeping costs down […]
Provincial government highlighting mining sector this week

Provincial government highlighting mining sector this week

May 27, 2024 | 4:09pm
The Saskatchewan Government is putting a spotlight on the mining industry this week. Now until Saturday is Mining Week in Saskatchewan. This year’s theme is “Critical Careers for Critical Minerals”. According to the provincial government, $13-billion in mineral sales were made last year and estimate mineral resource development spending will reach nearly $6-billion this year. […]
CWA signs two MOUs to grow the brand, collaborate with international peers

CWA signs two MOUs to grow the brand, collaborate with international peers

May 27, 2024 | 2:56pm
Canadian Western Agribition signed a pair of agreements with their Mexican and Australian counterparts to encourage more international trade, collaboration, and, from Agribition’s point-of-view, promote Canadian cattle genetics. The Memorandum of Understanding with Congreso de las Estrellas was signed on March 23 in Guadalajara, Mexico. Kindopp says will it focus on how to grow Congreso […]