
Seeding almost at the finish line, progress at 94 per cent complete

Seeding almost at the finish line, progress at 94 per cent complete

Jun 6, 2024 | 2:22pm
Within the next week, farmers should be done seeding as the provincial crop report has progress at 94 per cent complete. It’s up from 77 per cent last week but remains behind the 5-year and 10-year averages of 97 per cent complete for this time of year. Despite rain delays, farmers in each region made […]
Plenty of precipitation highlighted May Weather Stats

Plenty of precipitation highlighted May Weather Stats

Jun 5, 2024 | 9:18pm
The month of May can be best described as wet with near normal temperatures. Environment Canada Meteorologist Terri Lang says it’s a good thing considering the winter and early part of spring was dry. “After it being so dry for so long, to see so many stations recording above average precipitation, really good timing,” said Lang. […]
Applications being accepted for SaskBarley scholarships

Applications being accepted for SaskBarley scholarships

Jun 5, 2024 | 8:46pm
Any student going to university to study in agriculture can apply for scholarships through the Saskatchewan Barley Development Commission (SaskBarley). Each year, SaskBarley offers four scholarships to students who are taking graduate or undergraduate studies. They’re offering up to three scholarships — $6-thousand at the PhD level, $4-thousand at the Master’s of Science level, and […]
Spring Seeding in Manitoba Passes the 80% Completion Mark

Spring Seeding in Manitoba Passes the 80% Completion Mark

Jun 5, 2024 | 1:57pm
Despite the wet conditions, seeding progress was made throughout much of Manitoba last week and is nowestimated to be 83% complete. Canola and soybean planting advanced, with 71% of canola acres planted and 82% of soybean acres planted. Spring cereals are estimated to be 87 to 94% complete, peas are 97% complete, and grain corn […]
Grain Delivery Levels High for Canada’s Two Major Railways:  Ag Transport Coalition

Grain Delivery Levels High for Canada’s Two Major Railways: Ag Transport Coalition

Jun 3, 2024 | 2:13pm
CN and CPKC Rail supplied a combined 98% of hopper cars ordered in grain week 43, a modest improvement from the 93% order fulfillment performance seen in week 42.  In supplying 98% of cars ordered by shippers in week 43, CN performance improved from the 92% order fulfillment performance seen the prior week.  CN performance […]
Manitoba Releases its Latest Crop Pest Update

Manitoba Releases its Latest Crop Pest Update

May 31, 2024 | 2:49pm
Insects: Both striped and crucifer flea beetles are present. In most regions, reports of high levels of damage tocanola are minimal so far. In some areas of the Northwest region, flea beetles are starting to reach threshold onemerged canola, and farmers are starting to make insecticide applications. In some regions farmers andagronomists have commented on […]