Prices for all feeder steer and heifer weight categories are down, according to the latest cattle market update from Canfax.
For the week ending October 27, Canfax reported feeder steer prices ranged from $493.82 per hundred weight (per cwt) in the 300-400lb weight category down to $295.50 per cwt in the 900+lb category. Feeder heifer prices ranged from $386.05 in the 300-400lb category to $285.17 for the 800+lb category.
A chart of Saskatchewan feeder and heifer prices is below.

Provincial Cattle Specialist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Fonda Froats says the calf and feeder markets experienced challenges from the high volume of cattle entering the market, weakness in the futures market, and poor weather last week.
Despite that, Froats says the number of cattle sold at auction in Saskatchewan remained high — 48,657 head sold compared to the 41,840 head marketed the previous week. It is also above the 42,753 head marketed during the same week last year.
Regarding prices for market-ready cattle, Alberta fed steers averaged $232.83 for the week ending October 27, down just 2 cents from the previous week.
Prices of Alberta cows reported on October 27 were mixed compared to the previous week. D2 cows increased $1.54 per cwt from the previous week to average $135.83 per cwt. D3 slaughter cows were down $0.51 per cwt, ending the week at an average price of $122.35 per cwt.